
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hurry up and join the "If 1000 people join this group, Edward will get a girlfriend" group on Facebook! If you know who's Edward, then good(I don't) if not, just join for the heck of it.

On a completely more unimportant note, I did my Lit test very badly... I finished Question A then had not enough time to do Question B. My expected score:13/25.

But anyway, Sign into Facebook and Join that group today!!!!!

what we could have been, 5:06 AM.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

I just came back from watching UNDER PRESSURE:THE MUSICAL(henceforth known as UPTM)at my school's drama centre. I had a good laugh at a lot of parts in the play, and the Emo Kid reminded me of a certain classmate of mine.

The Analogies used were...interesting, to say the least. e.g. I wish that my life was like a computer keyboard, with a Ctrl key and a Esc key.

also, there were one or two direct transliterations of Chinese Idioms. 猪朋狗友 became Pig Friends Dog Friends, lol.

The playwright apparently had a weird sense of humour though. An example of what is considered a joke:
(teacher comes in)
Teacher:We have a class test today
(class groans)
Teacher:Actually, we don't have a class test today
(class erupts into cheers)
Teacher:YOU have a class test today

However, I liked the choice of music. Mostly Queen songs with one or two Beatles songs thrown in.

A running gag in the show is that one of the girls will constantly screw up her hand actions. e.g.
(points to mouth)
"to him"
(points to heart)
(points to ears).
Another running gag would be a guy randomly running across the stage, occasionally interrupting the most romantic moments.

From the actor's perspective, though, a lot of improvement could have been made. Voice projection of the actors was virtually nonexistant, with the actors relying on wireless microphones instead, leaving them dazed when the mikes screwed up. But I like the script, as well as the props made for the show. I could see a lot of effort put into the script, even if there were some lame jokes in it.

All in all, it was an okay show, an 8/10 in my book. Oh yeah, and the members of the debate club, on the other side of the drama centre, decided to interrupt during the intermission announcement made by the MC, Chuang Yin(don't know what's his name, henceforth known as CY)by shouting out "CY WE LOVE YOU!!!!!" randomly. They also repeated this when CY was announcing the end of the show. Oh well, Back to mugging for my Geog and History for Monday's test.

what we could have been, 7:22 AM.
Friday, February 13, 2009

like the new blogskin?

what we could have been, 6:58 AM.

I have made 5 blogs so far, all of which have failed, so I have decided to start my first proper blog in earnest

what we could have been, 4:13 AM.


NAME Joshua Koh
AGE 14
STATUS Complicated
What I ♥
▪ Touhou
▪ Magic The Gathering
▪ Touhou
▪ Anime
▪ Touhou
▪ 2I1
▪ Touhou
▪ Touhou
▪ Touhou
Link XD
February 2009 March 2009 November 2009 December 2009
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: photobucket & imeem
title script source unknown.